Alchemists Of Water | Gothic Archive Wiki
- in early design docs referred to as
Healing Mages
(German: Heilmagier
- in the final game release known as
Water Mages
- also mentioned as
Circle Of Water
, already in alpha
- in poor relationship with Alchemists Of Fire under the barrier
: we don't like the circle of water
we don't like
doesn’t mean hostility; the guild attitudes between them are neutral (guilds.d
, Orpheus Guilds V1
- 6 of them accidentally imprisoned in Khorinis Mine Valley
have been rambling for years that they want to carry out an escape plan
(Sleeper’s Ban)
they brew their potions with the ore and spoil it so that it can no longer be used; and this brew has so far not harmed the barrier
(Sleeper’s Ban)
- dominate the New Camp, Lee is jealous about that (design doc
NPCs per Guild
The Three Healers Of Water Mages
- all are mentioned in design doc
NPCs per Guild
, have no names nor significant differences
- German:
der Geneser
, der Heiler
, der Wunddoktor
- 1:
alchemist, powerful healer; teacher & mission giver
, recruits the player character
, a little too good-natured
- 2:
routine healing worker
, harsh like an overworked, annoyed ward doctor in the hospital
- 3:
visits other camps to earn ore nuggets
Saturas, Master Of Water
- German:
Meister des Wassers
- leader of Alchemists Of Water (design doc
NPCs per Guild
- disciple of the Demon Summoner (design doc
NPCs per Guild
Supreme Healing Mage; only reviver close to the people
(design doc NPCs per Guild
somewhat bossy/arrogant
(design doc NPCs per Guild