Outside World | Gothic Archive Wiki
City Watch
- guard city of Khorinis
- distinct from Royal Guard
The city watch has its eyes on everyone who's suspicious
(Gorn in Gothic I comic)
Guild of Mages
- only mentioned in Sleeper’s Ban, as
der Magiergilde
- ruled by 12 Principals (
- originally they were all Alchemists Of Fire, later 6 of them were replaced with Alchemists Of Water
- The Nobles have “dirty business” and were concerned of general’s influence on the king
the nobles didn't like me, because the King listened to my advice. And they knew I posed a threat to their dirty business.
(source: Lee, Sld_700_Lee_DAMNPAST_Info
- design docs imply that general(s) are also “Lords” (nobles)
- known ranks of nobility:
, lord
, burgrave
Burgrave Bergmar
- comes from Western Field
- owner of Mountain Fortress
- past owner of some of Royal Ore Mines
Count of Meidheim
- in the early draft of Lee’s story, the Count of Meidheim has sent to the king a mounted messenger with a letter
the Count’s head would be at stake due to the content
- the messenger dropped the unsealed message at the stable by the courtyard
- Lee, the leader of Royal Guard who passed there on the way back from the throne room, found and read the message
- moments later, the messenger returned there, and seeing Lee reading the scroll, ordered Royal Guards to arrest him
- Lee was accused of some kind of treason for that, and sentenced by the king to lifetime imprisonment
Lord of Tymoris
- high feudal lord of the realm containing Royal Ore Mines
Rhobar II
everything that his troops could not hold was razed to the ground
During the long years of his reign he was able to defeat all foes of his realm. All except (...) the orcs
Rhobar, the strategist, chose to attack
his royal highness King Rhobar II, bearer of the Scepter of Varant
the one who united the four Mirtanian kingdoms of the sea
- called Rhotbar II in the Gothic I handbook
King Rhotbar died that winter, weakened and consumed by the wounds of war. His son, Rhotbar the Second , took the scepter in silence, without ceremony or celebration
that goddam king!
(source: a Scraper from the Free Mine, Info_Sld_8_WichtigePersonen_Info
the damned king!
(source: Mordrag, Org_826_Mordrag_NCInfo_Info
King (...) the old guy
(source: Diego, Info_Diego_OldCamp_Info
King’s wife
They used the King's wife to get me. I was blamed for her pointless murder
- source: Lee (
- suggests that the king had at least one
who is not a queen
We could buy the King's wife for that
- source: Jarvis,
- suggests that there was overall more than one such
, because Lee was sentenced for allegedly killing one in the past
Royal Judge
- called
Court Archon
in Sleeper’s Ban
- appears in game scripts as
Royal Army
- army is led by generals who are also king’s trusted advisors
King (...) left his generals to deal with the few remaining enemy troops
- there’s a fleet of Royal Warships
I was involved in a mutiny as mate of a royal warship.
The King's Armada sank ship after ship
- army service is mandatory
all the others that were forced by the king to fight in the war against the orcs
(Milten in Gothic I comic)
- Myrtana wins battles thanks to
the interplay of army and magic
- army members are called
(see book The Battle of Varant
Royal Guard
- escort the main character during his sentencing
- appear in game scripts as
- wear gold-themed armors
- use two-handed swords and crossbows (source: their commented-out scripts)
- appear to be get important assignments like overseeing the Khorinis Ore Mines and/or escorting Royal Judges there
- term
Royal Guard
is known from the name of armor item they wear (German: Königliche Garde
- German:
die Gelehrten
- mentioned in the Letter to the Fire Mages:
the scholars are studying the ancient books
- it’s implied they work with the
priests of Innos
to explain powers of the Sect
Stomp’s Family
- only mentioned in Sleeper’s Ban
respected merchant family
one of the largest trading houses in his hometown, used to living in a large mansion, looked after by servants
- wife of the family’s head died, and he married again
- he has two sons, one from the first marriage who is his heir, and one from second marriage who is jealous of being the heir
his stepbrother, the man who came into the family through his father's second marriage and envied him from the start the position of heir.