The Gurus | Gothic Archive Wiki
They are at the pinnacle of power. They rule in isolation from the Novices. The Novices and Templars are seen exclusively as recipients of orders.
(design doc Story 3.3 draft
it's said they can read minds
(design doc Story 3.3 draft
- when Gurus want to get rid of someone, The Lobotomist drives them permanently insane with his psionic spells, and they end up as The Burnouts in the Old Camp
- there are 5 gurus in total, all except their leader using title
(design doc Story 3.3 draft
- in the final version this title was partially replaced by
, previously only used by some lower novices, now shared with them
- are told to be able to
float in the air
Sleeper (...) causes visions - at least to the Gurus.
Lower Gurus: Baals
- in the final release replaced most of the original
- Baal Cadar - teaches magic, sells runes and scrolls
- Baal Lukor - searches for the ancient underground temple of Sleeper, knows some orc runes
- Baal Namib
- Baal Orun - manages processing of the Swamp Weed
- Baal Tyon - spiritual teacher,
Y'Berion has made him one of his advisors
, according to Baal Kadash he’s only a lower Guru
- Baal Tondral - spiritual teacher, manages recruitment
Cor Angar, the Avenger
- in 0.64b alpha name
is used for a Mercenary Of Old Camp, SLD_202_ANGAR
a former Templar who became a guru; takes care of the Templars
(design doc NPCs per Guild
teaches player character Templar psionic magic and weapons
(design doc NPCs per Guild
- in the final game he’s the highest Templar rather than a Guru, but still counted among the leadership of the camp
hard, proud, merciless
, the perfect man for rough stuff
(design doc Story 3.3 draft
partially mind-controlled
(unclear if by Cor Kalom or Y’Berion) (design doc Story 3.3 draft
The Inquisition
(design doc Story 3.3 draft
Cor Garrion
- only mentioned in design doc
Story 3.3 draft
- always stoned for the first half of the day, teaches novices for the second half (swapping with Cor Loran)
commanded by Kalom and Angar
commands Ka Garon
Cor Loran
- only mentioned in design doc
Story 3.3 draft
- teaches novices for the first half of the day, always stoned for the second half (swapping with Cor Garrion)
commanded by Kalom and Angar
commands Ka Garon
Cor Kalom, The Mastermind
- the
drug Guru
and drug freak
(design doc Story 3.3 draft
Unscrupulously seeking to gain power
(design doc Story 3.3 draft
- described as
(alpha build) and the teacher of all gurus
(design doc NPCs per Guild
- in early alpha build
armed with short sword and bow
, wears guru robes
masters all psionic spells
(design doc NPCs per Guild
- in
slight rivalry with The Enlightened One
(Y’Berion, leader of their camp) (design doc NPCs per Guild
The other day I had to stand guard in front of the castle ruins while Mastermind met with one of the arch barons inside
- this is said by one of the Sect Templars (
the enlightened one is irrevocably dependent on him
(design doc Story 3.3 draft
The Lobotomist
powerful guru who specializes in punishing people's minds
(design doc NPCs per Guild
thanks to a magical artifact his spells "Confusion" and "Chaos" are so strong that he can drive people permanently insane
- these people end up as
the Burnouts in the Old Camp
- source: design doc
NPCs per Guild
- this effect appears similar to, but less strong than, the effect of staying too long at the edge of Magic Barrier
he is absolutely loyal to the Enlightened One
(design doc NPCs per Guild
The Master Of Novices
looks after and teaches the Novices
(design doc NPCs per Guild
mission giver and teacher for the Sect Camp Novices
(design doc NPCs per Guild
Y’Berion, The Enlightened One
the most powerful Guru
(design doc NPCs per Guild
), Head Guru of the temple
(design doc Story 3.3 draft
No one in the sect dares to doubt his words and actions, no matter how crazy they are
(design doc NPCs per Guild
at night he often slips into the body of a Temple Servant or Templar and explores the dungeons
(design doc NPCs per Guild
Mission giver for Sect Camp Gurus
(design doc NPCs per Guild