Ore Barons | Gothic Archive Wiki
- rule the Old Camp since the rebellion of the prisoners, their leader is the Big Boss
- pose as noblemen and in 0.56 alpha call themselves
The Honorable Society Of Ore Barons
- German:
Die ehrenwerte Gesellschaft der Erzbarone
- one of them always joins the Convoy To Exchange Place
The convoys that come from the Exchange Place are swarming with mercenaries. Even an Ore Baron is always there
- there are three Mercenaries Of Old Camp (
) bodyguarding them (SLD_BARONSGUARDN1-3
- in alpha initially a member of Free Camp,
- later changed into Old Camp Mercenary bodyguarding the Big Boss
- as one of the
, with Scar
- finally promoted to one of Ore Barons, but keeping exactly the same job of bodyguarding Gomez in front of his throne
- possibly later merged with The Left Hand (IDs match)
Bartholo, The Caravan Leader
- German:
- Ore Baron responsible for
foreign trade
(design doc NPCs per Guild
I see to it that the Ore Barons get their supplies. I'm in charge of the lot - from weed supplies to food and provisions for the women.
- possibly merged with The Left Hand and Treasurer Of Ore Barons
Foreign Minister
leads espionage/intrigues against other camps
(design doc NPCs per Guild
- former Spy Of Shadows Of Old Camp
- his role appears to overlap with that of The Invisible Man and Shadow Baron
- in alpha build known referred as
EBR_104 Aussenminister
- possibly later merged into Raven
Gomez, The Big Boss
- the leader of the Ore Barons
- in alpha builds referred to as
Supreme Ore Baron
(obersten Erzbaron
), king-like ruler
, our master
, our big boss
, our leader
, The Baron
: the baron is mighty as god
: Isn't the leader great and wise ?
- his two cloest confidants and bodyguards are Ore Barons The Left Hand and The Right Hand
- father of the Warhound
Grey Baron
/ Grauer Baron
from alpha builds
- this could be the depicted on a painting by Uwe Meyer, which in-game hangs above the throne of Big Boss
- that character wears armor of Ore Baron and has gray hair
- the throne room on that painting is definitely not part of any castle under the Barrier
The Left Hand
- one of two closest confidants and bodyguards of the Big Boss (design doc
NPCs per Guild
- possibly later merged into Bartholo (positions in the hierarchy match) or Arto (IDs match)
The Orc Hunter
- former Orc Hunter and Ore Baron
- codename
- likely when hunting the orcs, he acquired a powerful Orcish talisman, that he then used to protect himself against the fireballs of angry Orc Shamans
I'm looking for an Orcish talisman (...) its former owner used it to defend himself against angry Orcs.
- Ur-Shak mentions gifting a talisman of fire protection to the hero (but doesn’t actually give one)
- turned into a particularly powerful Zombie by a curse guarding the Focus Stone under the Stone Circle Of The Damned on the orc territorry
- now he is
the GUARDIAN under the ring of stone
/ the undead guardian in the crypt
He seems to be extremely resistant against the effects of normal weapons.
- he’s 13% more resistant against blades than normal zombies, but completely immune to fire
- can be easily defeated using spell Death To The Undead
- other grave robbers (either his companions, or ones who went there later) were also turned into undead (Skeletons) (after getting killed by him?), who are much easier to kill than him
- in alpha, a Shadow of the Old Camp with ID
- later changed into an Ore Baron
- possibly later merged into Foreign Minister and/or The Right Hand
The Right Hand
- one of two closest confidants and bodyguards of the Big Boss (design doc
NPCs per Guild
- possibly later merged into Raven (position in the hierarchy matches) or Scar (IDs match)
- in alpha had the same role protecting The Big Boss, but as a Mercenary Of Old Camp
- one of the
, with Arto
- possibly later merged with The Right Hand (IDs match)
- called
first bodyguard of Gomez
(promo doc Shottake
Shadow Baron
- German:
- responsible for The Shadows Of Old Camp
- briefly mentioned in design doc
NPCs per Guild
- his role seems to overlap with that of The Invisible Man and Foreign Minister
Teacher Of Ore Barons
- briefly mentioned in design doc
NPCs per Guild
Treasurer Of Ore Barons
- German:
carries out distribution of goods
(design doc NPCs per Guild
- possibly later merged into Bartholo
Warhound, The Young Baron
- known as
in German version of Sleeper’s Ban and as Jungbaron
in design doc NPCs per Guild
- the son of Big Boss