Common knowledge
- kingdom of Myrtana “united” (conquered/annexed?) Nordmar, Varant and 4th land
- according to Myrtanian chronicle, Varant initially started the war with intent to conquer Myrtana, but in the end was conquered instead
- months are called moons and by corresponding constellation
In a few weeks, when the moon of the Unicorn will be complete.
Many moons had passed
- years are counted by solstices or winters
This war lasted more than four solstices
many winters ago
- some of the known history is said to reach thousands of years (millennia) into the past
The techniques employed in this traditional method of hunting have hardly altered in the course of the millennia
- German:
Die Technik dieser Art der traditionellen Jagd hat sich im Lauf der Jahrtausende kaum verändert
, from book Hunt and Prey
For 2000 years, the teachings of this expert have determined the development of the art of fighting
- German:
2000 Jahre lang bildeten diese Lehren des Meisters die Pfeiler bei der Entwicklung der Kampfkunst
, from book The Art of Fighting
- Ancient Times
- Golden Age Of Myrthana ruled by Rhobar I
- War with Varant
- Rhobar I dies when that atumn turns into winter
- few unnamed kings rule in between
- this is mentioned by Mike, not in the booklets
- Rhobar II, son of Rhobar I ascends to the throne without ceremony
- First Orc War
The situation was bad all over the country, especially in the mining towns. Thieves and deserters rioted and many prisoners fled the mines
- Magic Barrier Of Khorinis is created to help with war effort
- raids quietly ended, Myrtana recovered
- Second Orc War
- orcs come back stronger and better organized
- Myrtana is going to lose that war
Ancient Times
It's a weapon from the olden days, when the human race was still young. (...) forged from an unknown material. And there's nothing written about who created it!
- German:
es ist eine Waffe aus alten Tagen, als die Menschheit noch jung war. Die Waffe ist aus einem völlig unbekannten Material geschmiedet. Auch über den Erschaffer steht nichts geschrieben!
- source: dialogue
in the final G1 release
- ancient Khorinis orcs first won battle against humans and Ancient General, but then their society mysteriously collapsed
- in early days of human race, humans coexisted with orcs on the surface, until racist conflicts led the orcs to seek refuge in underground cities
- there are prophecies that apocalyptic crisis from almost 1000 years ago is going to return
constellations of stars start moving to the same positions
Ancient War Of Priests
- book
Words Of The Gods
suggests that separation between priests of Innos and Adanos started with an ancient war, initiated by priests of Innos who rebelled against him
Innos raised the few who had shown him gratitude above the others (...) people called them priests. But among them were many who soon became dissatisfied. And so it happened that they prayed to Adanos and forgot their origins. The league of priests was divided. Wars ensued (...) And so the priests were separated.
- German:
Die Riege der Priester war gespalten. Kriege wurden entfesselt
Other games
- Gothic 3
- mentions civilization known as
the Ancient Ones
the dark magical arts of the Ancient Ones
that summons the undead
and spawn of hell
the Ancient Ones possessed their own kind of magic
- their commanders stayed undead until modern times:
Let's battle some undead. The commanders of the Ancient Ones do not belong in this time.
- their empire included Varant:
We are here in Al Shedim, a temple city of the Ancient Ones
- some of them worshipped Innos, later bringing that faith to Nordmar:
Akascha, a warrior of the Ancient Ones
, A very long time ago, a man came to Nordmar. A man inspired by the fire of Innos. He came from far away, from the south. He became one of us, a Nordmarian. This man was Akascha. Some Nordmarians were convinced that Akascha got his strength from Innos. They followed him and started to pray to Innos.
- they coexisted with The Nomads Of The Desert who worshipped Adanos, and Ancient Ones were greately angered by one of them joining The Nomads to worship Adanos
Haran Ho was a great warrior of the Ancient Ones. His travels led him deep into the desert. There he learned the nomads' way of life and came to cherish it. Haran Ho recognized the wisdom of the Water Mages and understood the power of Adanos. Finally, he gave up his old life and joined the nomads. His decision angered the rulers of the Ancient Ones. On their orders, the hunt for Haran Ho began.
- some ancient people of Varant, likely members of The Ancient Ones, were building a
for Innos to physically enter the world of mortals and unleash his full power there, similar to one that Orc Shamans used to summon The Sleeper
And Innos spoke to his servants: 'Erect a portal for me, so that I might reign over this world in all eternity!' And his servants did as they were bidden.
Origin Of Myrtana
Other games
Origin of Myrtana is only described in Gothic 3:
The barbarians lived in Nordmar. And Rhobar was one of them. (...) And Innos said to Rhobar: Descend from the mountains, and defeat my enemies. And Rhobar waged war against the orcs. And the wrath of Innos descended upon them. And Rhobar was victorious. Once his enemies were defeated, Innos said to him: This is where you shall establish your kingdom. And Rhobar did as he was bidden.
Golden Age Of Myrtana
- Myrtana prospers during rule of Rhobar I
Gods looked upon Myrtana with a kind heart and blessed all the land with peace, lavish crops and an abundance of Copper, bronze and Ore. Myrtana thrived in this blissful age
War with Varant
- war lasts
over 4 solstices
, on both land and the sea
- won thanks to good strategy of a general, and military use of Fire Magic
- king
was not satisfied with protecting the country's borders, (...) advanced deep into the country and conquered counties, villages and cities. And whatever his troops could not hold was razed to the ground. (...)had the ruler of Varant hanged, appointed a governor and a council
- Varantian conquest turned into defeat because of a black swan event involving heroic individual like General Lee
- Varant could have been unaware of use of Fire Magic by army of Myrtana: maybe it was first known military use, or even public witnessing of such magic in these times
- initial aggression of Varant on Myrtana could have been a false flag operation meant to provoke a war, and Rhobar knew that Myrtanian army is stronger, or that Fire Magic will ensure their victory
First Orc War
- orc raids started during first year of reign of Rhobar II, after death of Rhobar I
King Rhotbar died that winter (...) But when winter was over, the kingdom was facing the next danger.
- it was few months after conquest of Varant
- according to booklet Orcs came from the North, while according to Mike in early plans this invasion came from underground caves and had no single front line
Orc hordes from the northlands swept across the borders and plundered hamlets and estates
Hoards of ores invading the land from the North
the king sent out his armies, had borders fortified and sent protective troops into the contested areas.
- raids somehow ended quietly (?)
battles (...) were small, brief skirmishes with no victors
The kingdom was gradually recovering from the wounds of the past. Wheat flourished in the fields and new trade agreements were signed.
- on Khorinis there are
old fortifications dating back to the time of the first Orc war
- according to Mike, that’s because in those times Orc lived all over (under) Myrthana, not only in the North
Following the heavy battles in the north, every countryman now knows how to use a bow and arrows.
Other games
Gothic 3 suggests that First Orc War was won by Orcs:
After the first great war, the orcs ruled the kingdom of Myrtana. And the humans were their slaves.
Second Orc War
- the front line was along the Northern Plains
the great Orc Wars in the north
King Rhotbar knew the orcs were strong enough to wage war against Myrtana. But his army had grown small and few weapons were left at his disposal.
And then the orcs came. Like a storm swept over the land, the armies cut down and killed every human being that fell into their hands.
- king decides to send all sorts of prisoners and enemies of the society to Royal Mines Of Khorinis
- royal army is losing the war