Alpha placeholders (or an unknown language;)
: Bla Bla Bla. Rarlala. Ble Bli Blub
: Don't make blabla.
UUUAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!! - auf English!
Blabla - auf English!
Armor stealing
Hey, you're wearing MY armor. Give it back immediately!!!
- German:
Hey, du trgst MEINE Rstung. Gib sie sofort zurck!!!'
Crime of the Nameless Hero
- Diego in an unused dialogue remarks:
In here, no one is innocent. In here you'll find men who have committed almost every crime imaginable. They're more than happy to tear apart an innocent man. If someone asks you why you're here, tell them you killed a guy who asked you why you're here.
- German:
Hier drin ist niemand unschuldig
, Hier findest du Männer die so ziemlich jedes mögliche Verbrechen begangen haben. Und einen unschuldigen nehmen die nur zu gerne auseinander
, Wenn dich jemand fragt, warum du hier bist, sag ihm, du hast einen Typen gekillt, der dich gefragt hat, warum du hier bist.
Sleeper's Ban
tells that the protagonst (Stomp) was sentenced due to conspiracy of his younger stepbrother, who:
- was jealos about their fathers future inheritance
- framed Stomp for stealing a valuable amulet from the treasury of the city’s Peace Council (German:
der Friedensräte der Stadt
- bribed the Princeps (German: Prinzeps) to sentence him to extremely harsh punishment
- unused dialogues in the release version of scripts in the mod development kit include Diego asking
Why did they throw you in here?
- player can choose one of three options, each giving different attribute boost
Clever Heist
(+3 Dexterity): I made a load of ore disappear. Unfortunately, the guy I hid it with preferred to collect the reward for turning me in rather than sharing the ore with me.
- (German:
Gewitzter Überfall: Ich habe ne Ladung Erz verschwinden lassen. Dummerweise hat der Typ bei dem ich sie versteckt habe, lieber die Belohnung für mich kassiert, anstatt mit mir das Erz zu teilen.
Brawl with Consequences
(+3 Strength): I could never turn down a challenge. Not even from the king's guardsman. Unfortunately, the king has many guardsmen. Too many.
- term
) suggests spontaneous fistfight rather than planned lethal confrontation
- (German:
Schlägerei mit Folgen: Eine Herausforderung konnte ich noch nie abschlagen. Auch nicht von des Königs Gardisten. dummerweise hat der König viele Gardisten. Zu viele.
True Words to the Wrong Man
(+3 Mana): I was sitting in the tavern and voiced my opinion about the king, war, and taxes. I only remembered too late that the one who speaks the truth needs a fast horse.
- (German:
Wahre Worte zum falschen Mann: Ich saß in der Kneipe und habe meine Meinung über König, Krieg und Steuern gesagt. Ich hab' mich nur zu spät daran erinnert, dass der, der die Wahrheit spricht, ein schnelles Pferd braucht.
(+1 to all attributes): I am innocent!
- this one makes Diego advise:
if someone asks you why you're here, tell them you killed a guy who asked you why you're here.
- instead of openly allocating attributes to change hero directly, this keeps the immersion by making the player choose the origin / archetype of the protagonist
- this way the resulting attribute boosts have in-universe justification of being either cause or a result of the selected origin / archetype
- example interpretations of the archetypes and their
Clever Heist
: betrayed mastermind thief, possibly with rich enemy (displayed sharpness and reflexes : dexterity +3)
Brawl with Consequences
: underground boxer disrespecting authorities (attacked recklessly : strength +3)
True Words to the Wrong Man
: anti-royalist activist and/or alcoholic (got too philosophical for his own good : mana +3)
Disguise mechanic
: What is this masquerade for?
: WHO is this HERE!?!
: You drunk pig! Fuck off.
: You don't know what you're doing. Go and have a break.
- in alpha 0.64b, drinking even single unit of an alcohol drink was causing brief drunkenness:
FUNC VOID UseBeer() { Npc_SetToDrunk (self,20); // 20 Sekunden betrunken
func void UseWine() { Npc_SetToDrunk(self, 30);
- book
The Battle of Varant
mentions heavy cavalry
(warriors on horses)
- Gothic Comic shows horses pulling carts
- early Old Camp concept art had a stable in place of the later smithy
“I thought you were dead...”
- player in some situations hears from various NPC’s lines along:
You're alive? I thought you were dead!
- it may be a reference to Snake Plissken from Escape From New York who keeps hearing it from others too
CABBIE: I thought you were dead.
GIRL: I know who you are. Yeah! But I heard you were dead. SNAKE: I am.
BRAIN: I swear to God, Snake, I thought you were dead.
- Escape From New York is confirmed as major inspiration for Gothic I
- in 0.56 alpha, there was NPC protection attribute against poisons (
- some monsters and weapons were supposed to deal poison damage (
- it would probably work the same way as fire damage, distributed over time (just without flame effect)
- probabaly multiplayer-only mechanic
- dead players return at Stone Circle Of The Damend
: Risen from the dead, eh? Watch out the next time!
<...> was brought back to the Kingdom Of The Living by a powerful alchemist.
- German:
... wurde von einem mächtigen Alchemisten wieder in das Reich der Lebenden zurückgeholt.
Once you are dead, get to the Stone Circle of the Damned as quickly as possible. When you touch the altar, new life will flow into you.
- German:
Bist Du erst tot, rette Dich so schnell wie nur möglich zum Steinkreis der Verdammten. Wenn Du den Altar berührst, wird neues Leben in Dich fließen.
from 0.56c alpha
- this suggests that afer dying, multiplayer participant can still move as a sort of a “ghost”
Fall Gitter Secret
- only found in one of zens in 0.64b (unclear in which one)
- trigger with identifier
- likely coordinates
-2416.28882 57.2834854 -2650.854
- triggers vob
with visual FALLGITTER.3DS
- there is also another vob,
targetting FALGITTER
- there is also trigger vob
with visual WAND.3DS
targetting FALGITTER
Interactive Objects
These objects can stand in the world and be interacted with, but are too big to be taken into inventory.
- chest
- bed
- lovebed
- throne
- crate (huge chest)
- barrel (can be used for hiding, as seen in The Comic)
- bench
- book stand
- anvil
- bucket
- forge
- grindstone
- ore deposit
- stomper / ore crusher
- bellows (air pump)
- stone mill
- door
- repair spot (for placing on “broken” walls)
- secret door (invisible) (a fake moving wall?) (
Control mechanisms
- vertical wheel / turnstile
- touchplate
- target stone (button that can be shot with a projectile)
- switch
- scavenger barbecue
- cauldron
- pan
- waterpipe
- herb masher
- idol statuette (for praying)
- alchemy lab
- ropeway (“Exchange Place mechanism”)
- pillar (can be knocked down)
- backpack (free standing container that can also be moved on the back)
- rice basket (can be worn like a huge backpack)
- drum