Nations | Gothic Archive Wiki
- “barbaric” northern tribe known reddish beards and blue eyes
- in previous generations had repeatedly haunted the coast of the kingdom and sent many merchant ships to the bootom of the sea
With his reddish beard and blue eyes, the person who had carried him so roughly into the clearing identified himself as Hueroth, a member of that barbaric northern tribe that in previous generations repeatedly haunted the coast of his homeland and ran aground many merchant ships of the sea.
(Sleeper’s Ban)
- are good at metallurgy
Unfortunately the magic powers of the ore vanish during the smelting process. They know the right smelting technique in the blast furnaces of Nordmar
- are good at building dams
A nice piece of work on the dam. We worked on it for months. We used longitudinal pillars, reinforced the side struts and filled the spaces with stones. A good system, like the one the Nordmen use.
in alpha 0.94)
- their portrayal in Gothic 3 reassembles Hueroths, suggesting it may be the same nation
- race with dark skin with and long green hair
- particularly brutal and in some areas even man-eating
northern race, he recognized them immediately by their white mane of hair, jet black eyes, broad faces and the famous bright blue tattoo on the forehead
used to the hard life in the polar regions
Just as proverbial as the wildness and aggressiveness of this animal species was the violence and unforgiveness
of the Shirtakkihn
All of this people, children, women, men had proved to be feared fighters in their long history, and the members of the
Kumatekk clan, who were the only ones allowed to wear this tattoo, were generally considered the elite warriors of this race.
Unknown Northern Race
- only seen in vision shown by Dailah The Iceskin, likely of her homeland
from the north, where all the water freezes immediately
, Nobody can say exactly where does she comes from
wrapped in bright blue simple leather robes
blue eyes under blonde hair
bright blue wave pattern that covered the left side of the face and neck
- at least Dailah is
tall, towering over the bystanders by a head
- have special connection with giant Polar Bears tattooed in similar way
Cresh a Suul (Daughter of a Bear)
- Dailah the Cresh a Suul (Daughter of a Bear) likely comes from the same land, but is visually different than people seen in vision she shown to Stump
- has violet rather than blue eyes
- has black rather than blonde hair
- has red rather than blue armor
- has red rather than blue tattoo covering
the left side of the face and neck
- it exactly matches tattoo of Polar Bears guarding the city of Unknown Northern Race
- she is
tall, towering over the bystanders by a head