Dark Magic | Gothic Archive Wiki
- according to alpha design doc
, the Demonic spells and Guru spells are of Magic Circles 7-11, while both Water and Fire spells are of Magic Circles 1-6
- called
Dark Arts
(German: der Dunklen Künste
) in the name of necromancer’s robe
Death To The Undead (IV)
- also known as Banish Undead or Destroy Undead
- intuitively, this spell should be color-coded yellow (sun/light), but instead is color-coded purple (darkness)
This spell banishes undead creatures of darkness
very powerful spell
that will destroy all the undead who fall under it
Breath Of Death (VI)
Beliar's breath. A cloud of destructive air, which may kill any being instantly.
- mentioned in design docs as
Spear Of Death
, used by the Undead High Priests in Ancient Temple Of Sleeper
- source:
, chapter on monster design
- German:
- described as visualized with “smoke particles”
Mass Death (VI)
- also known as Ring Of Death or URIZIEL’s wrath
- also mentioned by Saturas as
Ripple of Death
(official English translation) or Wave of death
(German: Welle des Todes
There are hardly any records about the rune carrying the powers of URIZIEL. It is only known that it has Beliar's powers.
- Saturas comments
It's a gift from the god of darkness
- one of: Demon/Deamon, Skeleton, Golem
- alpha design doc
mentions Lesser Summoning
as level VI spell of Circle Of Fire
- only available as scroll
Army Of Darkness
Manos: The Helping Hand (VII)
- German:
Die helfende Hand
- mentioned in alpha design doc
Sentra: The Watcher (VIII)
- German:
Die Wachterin
(feminine form)
- mentioned in alpha design doc
- possibly the same as
Summon Sentry
which is commented with alarms caster on event / traspasser
Agonom: The Tormented Soul (IX)
- German:
Die geplagte Seele
- mentioned in alpha design doc
- possibly the same as
Summon Banshee
which is commneted with ( Invincible / Transluscent ) ( cries! ) (easy to destroy by magic & magic weapons )
Devor: The Hungry Shadow (X)
- German:
Der hungrige Schatten
- mentioned in alpha design doc
- possibly the same as
Summon Hellhound
which is commented with Strong attacker / at own will) (must be killed in order to get rid of -> attacks even good (N)PCs) (always returns to caster)
Supremos: The Invincible One (XI)
- German:
Der Unbezwingbare
- mentioned in alpha design doc
- possibly the same as
Summon The Thing That Should Not Be
which is commented with (once casted, kills everyone in range including the caster -> cast & run) (stays for a while, then disintegrates in devastating effect)
Black Hole
- commented with
- mentioned in alpha design doc
- not explicitly assigned to any spell group, listed under dark spells due to name
Summon Bat (II)
- mentioned in alpha design doc
- commented with
and Thief!
Summon Thrall
- mentioned in alpha design doc
- commented with
Fighter [Stupid Defender] STRONG!
- it’s unclear if this spell belongs to Dark category or not
Raise Zombies
- no official name for this spell is mentioned
- briefly mentioned in design doc
in chapter on monster design
- described as
can make zombies grow out of the ground
- German:
Können Zombies aus der Erde wachsen lassen.
- used by the Undead High Priests of Ancient Temple Of Sleeper