Other Spells | Gothic Archive Wiki
- later changed into a potion Sprinting Horse
- only available as Scroll
- color-coded as Psionic spell but doesn’t seem to belong there
- for example, it was sold by merchants in Khorinis, likely before creation of the barrier (as the dead owner found within the barrier, notes that he bought it for gold coins with intention of killing the troll and become rich - this plan would make no sense if the barrier already existed at the moment)
- alpha design doc
mentions it as Verschrumpeln
, Level 3 spell of Circle Of Water
Magic of Teleportation
- according to the color-codes on the textures, teleportation spells do not belong to any single magic type
- do not belong to any magic circle (are “level 0”)
- available destinations: Fire Mages, Water Mages, Demon Summoner, Orc Graveyard Secret, Ore Baron House
The special feature of these magic formulas is that, although they are bound in runes, they can be cast by anybody with magic powers. The magic of these formulas can be activated at once. There are no restrictions to the teleportation spell.
- alpha design doc
mentions Teleportation
as Level V spell of Circle Of Water
Unlock (II)
- commented with
Chance: 5% * lev
- mentioned in alpha design doc
Summon Monster (IV)
- mentioned in alpha design doc
Morphing (V)
- mentioned in alpha design doc
Wizard’s Wrath (VII)
- mentioned in alpha design doc
Stone Touch (VII)
- mentioned in alpha design doc
Curse Object
- mentioned in alpha design doc
Create Amulet
- mentioned in alpha design doc
Enchant Blade
- mentioned in alpha design doc
- sounds a bit similar to
Magic Blade
(German: Zauberklinge
), Level II spell of Circle of Water